Det är fortfarande lika kul att plocka zucchini varje gång vi åker till lotten, trots att det har blivit svårare att komma på nya sätt att tillaga dem. Och de växer och växer för varje dag och trivs fantastiskt i höstvädret. Undrar varför de är så dyra i affären. På ICA idag var priset 27 kronor per kilo. Vi sparar alltså inte bara miljön genom att äta närproducerat och ekologiskt, utan ganska mycket med pengar också :)
It is still very fun to pick zucchini every time we go to the garden, even if it's becoming harder to come up with new ways of preparing them. And they grow and grow every day, they must enjoy the autumn weather. I wonder why they are so expensive at the store. At ICA today the price was over $2 per pound. So we not only save the environment by eating organic food, but also quite a lot of money :)
Favoritgrönsaken i köket idag är mandelpotatisen. Vi får inte nog av den, bakad med lite olivolja och salt. Lätt och festligt och så gott!
The favorite vegetable in the kitchen for the moment is the almond potato. We can't seem to get enough of it, baked with a drizzle of olive oil and a bit of salt. It's easy and festive and ah, so tasty!
31 augusti 2008
27 augusti 2008
Stora och gröna, små och röda
Big and green, small and red
Bara så att ni vet så finns det flera sorter paprikor, förutom chili, på kolonilotten. De har bara inte hunnit visas på bloggen, alltså inte förrän idag. Kolla skillnaderna!
Just so you know, there are other sort of peppers besides chilies in our garden. They just haven't found their way onto the blog yet, that is until today. Behold the difference!
Just so you know, there are other sort of peppers besides chilies in our garden. They just haven't found their way onto the blog yet, that is until today. Behold the difference!
25 augusti 2008
Zucchini cake
Ja, det är möjligt använda grönsaker som ingredienser till kakor... tack vare ett modifierat morotkaksrecept from Överste Brytböna.
12 bitar
4 ägg
2 dl strösocker
50 g smör
1 dl Kesella 1%
3 dl finrivna zucchini
3 dl vetemjöl
2 tsk bakpulver
1 tsk kanel
1 tsk vaniljsocker
100 g mandelmassa
lite olja och ströbröd till formen
1 dl Kesella 10%
3 msk florsocker
25 g rumsvarmt smör
Sätt ugnen på 200 grader. Smörj och bröa en hög pajform med löstagbar kant.
Smält smöret. Vispa ägg och socker pösigt. Rör ner det avsvalnande smöret, kesellan och de rivna zucchinina. Blanda mjöl, bakpulver, kanel och vaniljsocker i en separat skål och rör ner blandningen i äggsmeten. Häll hälften av smeten i formen. Tumma ut mandelmassan till ett "flak" och täck kakan.
Häll på resten av smeten och grädda 35-40 minuter i nedre delen av ugnen. Låt kakan kallna innan du blandar glasyringredienserna och brer över kakan.
Yes, it's possible to use vegetables as ingredients for cakes... thanks to a modified carrot cake recipe from Colonel Mustard.
Zucchini cake
12 pieces
4 eggs
2 dl sugar
50 g butter
1 dl sour cream 1%
3 dl grated zucchini
3 dl flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla sugar
100 g marzipan (can be excluded)
a little bit of oil and bread crumbs for the baking tin
1 dl sour cream
3 tsp icing sugar
25 g butter
Set the oven to 200 degrees. Butter the baking tin and sprinkle it with bread crumbs.
Melt the butter. Mix the eggs with the sugar to a fluffy mixture. Blend in the butter after it cools down a bit, then the sour cream and the grated zucchini. In a separate bowl mix the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and vanilla sugar. Afterwards combine it with the egg mixture. Pour half of the mixture into the baking tin, cover it with marzipan, then pour the rest of the mixture on top.
Bake the cake for 35-40 minutes in the bottom part of the oven. Let the cake cool before you mix the frosting ingredients and spread it on top.
12 bitar
4 ägg
2 dl strösocker
50 g smör
1 dl Kesella 1%
3 dl finrivna zucchini
3 dl vetemjöl
2 tsk bakpulver
1 tsk kanel
1 tsk vaniljsocker
100 g mandelmassa
lite olja och ströbröd till formen
1 dl Kesella 10%
3 msk florsocker
25 g rumsvarmt smör
Sätt ugnen på 200 grader. Smörj och bröa en hög pajform med löstagbar kant.
Smält smöret. Vispa ägg och socker pösigt. Rör ner det avsvalnande smöret, kesellan och de rivna zucchinina. Blanda mjöl, bakpulver, kanel och vaniljsocker i en separat skål och rör ner blandningen i äggsmeten. Häll hälften av smeten i formen. Tumma ut mandelmassan till ett "flak" och täck kakan.
Häll på resten av smeten och grädda 35-40 minuter i nedre delen av ugnen. Låt kakan kallna innan du blandar glasyringredienserna och brer över kakan.
Yes, it's possible to use vegetables as ingredients for cakes... thanks to a modified carrot cake recipe from Colonel Mustard.
Zucchini cake
12 pieces
4 eggs
2 dl sugar
50 g butter
1 dl sour cream 1%
3 dl grated zucchini
3 dl flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla sugar
100 g marzipan (can be excluded)
a little bit of oil and bread crumbs for the baking tin
1 dl sour cream
3 tsp icing sugar
25 g butter
Set the oven to 200 degrees. Butter the baking tin and sprinkle it with bread crumbs.
Melt the butter. Mix the eggs with the sugar to a fluffy mixture. Blend in the butter after it cools down a bit, then the sour cream and the grated zucchini. In a separate bowl mix the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and vanilla sugar. Afterwards combine it with the egg mixture. Pour half of the mixture into the baking tin, cover it with marzipan, then pour the rest of the mixture on top.
Bake the cake for 35-40 minutes in the bottom part of the oven. Let the cake cool before you mix the frosting ingredients and spread it on top.
24 augusti 2008
Dags för ett recept
Time for a recipe
Äntligen finns det så mycket grönt på kolonilotten att vi kan laga en hel måltid med endast egna ingredienser. Och vi skulle vilja dela med oss några goda recept. Här kommer vår grönbönsgryta. Läcker och mycket hälsosam!
Now that there are so many vegetables in the garden, we can actually make an entire meal using only our own ingredients. And we'd like to share some recipes with you. First up is this green bean dish. Delicious and very healthy!
Green been pot
4 portions
500 g fresh green beans
1 leek
1/2 chili
2-3 small potatoes
3 dl water
2 tsp olive oil
Finely chop the leek and the chili and sauté in olive oil in a large pot until soft. Clean the beans and cut off the hard ends, peal the potatoes and then cut your main ingredients into pieces of bite size. Add the beans and potatoes to the pot and cover with boiling water. Reduce the heat and let everything cook for half an hour. You can add a deciliter of white wine if you want a more fragrant aroma. Add salt and parsley to your taste and liking. Depending on how young and fresh the beans is it may need another 15 minutes of cooking or it may be ready. Taste it!
Now that there are so many vegetables in the garden, we can actually make an entire meal using only our own ingredients. And we'd like to share some recipes with you. First up is this green bean dish. Delicious and very healthy!
Green been pot
4 portions
500 g fresh green beans
1 leek
1/2 chili
2-3 small potatoes
3 dl water
2 tsp olive oil
Finely chop the leek and the chili and sauté in olive oil in a large pot until soft. Clean the beans and cut off the hard ends, peal the potatoes and then cut your main ingredients into pieces of bite size. Add the beans and potatoes to the pot and cover with boiling water. Reduce the heat and let everything cook for half an hour. You can add a deciliter of white wine if you want a more fragrant aroma. Add salt and parsley to your taste and liking. Depending on how young and fresh the beans is it may need another 15 minutes of cooking or it may be ready. Taste it!
21 augusti 2008
Vad gör man med chili?
What do you do with chilies?
20 augusti 2008
18 augusti 2008
How do you like them apples?
Jag älskar höst... och allt som kommer med den... vackra färger, lagom varma dagar och lite kyligare kvällar då man kan tända värmeljus hemma och de underbara frukter och grönsaker som mognar och bara väntar på att plockas och ätas. Som de här fina äpplena :)
I love autumn... and everything that comes with it... beautiful colors, slightly warm days and cooler evenings when one can light candles at home, and the wonderful fruits and vegetables that ripen and just wait to be picked and eaten. Like these nice apples :)
I love autumn... and everything that comes with it... beautiful colors, slightly warm days and cooler evenings when one can light candles at home, and the wonderful fruits and vegetables that ripen and just wait to be picked and eaten. Like these nice apples :)
15 augusti 2008
Stor, större, störst...
Big, bigger, biggest...
Slutet på sommaren bjuder på väldigt märkligt väder. Det regnar nästan varje dag och det gillar alla våra grönsaker. Det växer som aldrig förr. Och efter varje tur till lotten kommer vi hem med ett par kilo godsaker.
The end of summer is marked by some very strange weather. It rains almost every day and our veggies seem to love it. They grow like never before. And after every trip to the garden we come home with a few kilos of goodies.
The end of summer is marked by some very strange weather. It rains almost every day and our veggies seem to love it. They grow like never before. And after every trip to the garden we come home with a few kilos of goodies.
Vilken rad!
What a row!
08 augusti 2008
06 augusti 2008
Ny inspiration!
New inspiration!
Nykomlingen på lotten, nämligen brytbönan, inspirerar till goda förrätter som den här fina varma salladen. Förutom bönor innehåller rätten zucchini samt olivolja, vinäger och lite salt.
The newcomer in the garden, the bean, inspired us to make a good apetizer like this nice warm sallad. The other ingredietns in the dish are zucchini, olive oil, vinegar and a little salt.
The newcomer in the garden, the bean, inspired us to make a good apetizer like this nice warm sallad. The other ingredietns in the dish are zucchini, olive oil, vinegar and a little salt.
04 augusti 2008
Zucchini x4
Utöver chilifrukten tog vi även med oss fyra jättezucchini från lotten med en sammanlagd vikt på knappt 2 kg. Även dessa räckte till ett par måltider och två uppsättningar inläggningar. Bild på de senare kommer kanske inom kort.
In addition to the chili, we also harvested four courgettes/squashes from the patch weighing more than 4 lbs! These too were enough to last a few meals and be included in two different types of pickled salads. A picture or two of the latter may pop up in a few days.
In addition to the chili, we also harvested four courgettes/squashes from the patch weighing more than 4 lbs! These too were enough to last a few meals and be included in two different types of pickled salads. A picture or two of the latter may pop up in a few days.
Idag plockade vi bland annat en röd chili (3 gram) som räckte till ett par måltider. Varför "ett par måltider" undrar ni kanske? Den var jättehet! Det var extraskoj, eftersom det var ju faktiskt det som var meningen! Som ni ser på bilden kommer det tillräckligt många nya heta chilifrukter för att förgylla måltiderna många dagar framöver.
Today we picked a red chili (3 grams) that lasted a few meals. "Why a few meals?", you may wonder? Well, it was a red HOT chili! That was great news, since that indeed was the intention! As you see on the picture, there will be enough hotties to brighten us (and water our eyes!) many days to come.
Today we picked a red chili (3 grams) that lasted a few meals. "Why a few meals?", you may wonder? Well, it was a red HOT chili! That was great news, since that indeed was the intention! As you see on the picture, there will be enough hotties to brighten us (and water our eyes!) many days to come.
Kapten Sockerärta,
29 juli 2008
Är(t) inte längre! (Peas on earth!)
Nu, ett par timmar senare, har vi röjt undan alla gamla ärtstänger och plockat de av sista ärtorna. Som höjdjämförelse ser vi översten själv, strax innan växtdelarna fick en sista tur till komposthögen. Det visade sig att 1,4 kg(!) ärtor gömde sig under de döende bladen. Efter rensning blev det ett halvt kilo ärtor som nu ligger i frysen och en hög med ärtskidor som fick vara basen i ett stort soppkok.
Now, a few hours later, we have removed all the old pea plants and picked the last of the peas. As height comparison we see the colonel herself, just before the pea remains are brought to the compost. It would later turn out that there were more than 3 lb(!) of peas hiding under the dying leaves. De-pea-ing the lot resulted in roughly a pound of peas now lying in the freezer, and a lot of pea pods which were used to make a vegetable soup stock.
Now, a few hours later, we have removed all the old pea plants and picked the last of the peas. As height comparison we see the colonel herself, just before the pea remains are brought to the compost. It would later turn out that there were more than 3 lb(!) of peas hiding under the dying leaves. De-pea-ing the lot resulted in roughly a pound of peas now lying in the freezer, and a lot of pea pods which were used to make a vegetable soup stock.
Sergeant Slanggurka,
Överste Brytböna
Gröna gula tomater (Green yellow tomatoes)
De gula körsbärstomater vi flyttade ut till lotten slåss med de på balkongen om vilken planta som först skall ge färdig frukt ... förlåt, grönsak! Just nu är det dött lopp och både ser ut som denna lottversion.
The yellow cherry tomatoes we moved out to the patch are competing with the ones on the balkony being the first plant to deliver fruit ... I mean, vegetables! Right now, they are running a dead heat where all of them are looking like the above patch one.
The yellow cherry tomatoes we moved out to the patch are competing with the ones on the balkony being the first plant to deliver fruit ... I mean, vegetables! Right now, they are running a dead heat where all of them are looking like the above patch one.
Såhär såg lotten ut idag - det växer så det knakar på alla håll och kanter! Ärtorna verkar ha gjort sitt och vi tar ner dem om några minuter, men i övrigt är produktionen i full gång. Härligt!
This is what the patch looks like today - everything grows like crazy! The peas seem to be wilting so they will be removed in the next couple of minutes, but other than that the production is magnificent! Lovely!
This is what the patch looks like today - everything grows like crazy! The peas seem to be wilting so they will be removed in the next couple of minutes, but other than that the production is magnificent! Lovely!
23 juli 2008
Gurkpar (Gherkin pair)
22 juli 2008
Ytterligare skörd (Additional harvest)
Idag gick vi åter och "handlade". Det blev sammanlagt över ett och halvt kilo bär och grönsaker, där såväl selleri och ärtor som chili och krusbär. Bilder kommer så småningom.
Today we went "shopping" again. Over three pounds in berries and veggies, including a hot chili! Pictures will be posted shortly.
Today we went "shopping" again. Over three pounds in berries and veggies, including a hot chili! Pictures will be posted shortly.
Kapten Sockerärta,
Sergeant Slanggurka,
20 juli 2008
Titta vad de växer! Look how they grow!
19 juli 2008
Borta bra, men hemma bäst! There's no place like home!
Det är alldeles underbart att ha semester, men det är minst lika kul att komma hem. Speciellt då man möts av massor med bär och grönsaker som väntar på att plockas och ätas!
It's absolutely wonderful to be on vacation, but it's just as fun coming home. Especially when one is met by lots of berries and vegetables that are waiting to be picked and eaten!
It's absolutely wonderful to be on vacation, but it's just as fun coming home. Especially when one is met by lots of berries and vegetables that are waiting to be picked and eaten!
12 juli 2008
Inspirerande minizucchini Inspiring minizucchini
En av favoritplatserna på semestern var marknaden som var full av många fantastiska frukter och grönsaker. Vilka former! Vilka färger! Man kunde knappast passera förbi utan att inspireras!
One of the favorite places we visited during our vacation was the local market filled with all kinds of splendid fruits and vegetables. The shape and color is truly inspiring, don't you think?
One of the favorite places we visited during our vacation was the local market filled with all kinds of splendid fruits and vegetables. The shape and color is truly inspiring, don't you think?
05 juli 2008
Underbärt med semester! Vacation is berry fantastic!
Är man på semester så är man på semester, eller hur? Nej, alla dessa underbara bär kommer inte från kolonilotten. Ett önskemål till nästa årets skörd kanske...
If one's on vacation, one's on vacation, right? No, all those wonderful berries don't grow on our patch. A wish for next year's harvest perhaps...
If one's on vacation, one's on vacation, right? No, all those wonderful berries don't grow on our patch. A wish for next year's harvest perhaps...
26 juni 2008
Mandelpotatisen uppe! (Potatoes up!)
Ärtlabyrint (Pea labyrinth)
Att ärtväxter kan växa snabbt har man ju hört i sagor, men visst är det sant! Lotten var i stort behov av en klängstruktur, vilket översten såg till kom på plats.
Peas can grow really fast, as has been told in several fairy tales, and it sure is true! The patch was in dire need of some sort of climbing structure, which the colonel made happen.
Peas can grow really fast, as has been told in several fairy tales, and it sure is true! The patch was in dire need of some sort of climbing structure, which the colonel made happen.
De första rädisorna (The first radishes)
Det var en gång en sergeant och en överste som insåg att rädiselandet var alldeles för överbefolkat. En viss utresning var med andra ord nödvändig och utgången ser ni nedan. Överst har vi översten med de två först uppdragna härligheterna och nedan det slutliga resultatet efter tvätt och rensning - dussinet förvånansvärt starka rädisor ("aah, det bränner ju")!
Once upon a time, there was a sergeant and a colonel who realized that the Land of Radished was overpopulated. A bit of removal/weeding was needed and the result is visible below. The upper picture shows the colonel's first two pulls and the lower one captures the essence after a cleaning wash - a dozen surprisingly strong radishes ("ouch, it really stings")!
Once upon a time, there was a sergeant and a colonel who realized that the Land of Radished was overpopulated. A bit of removal/weeding was needed and the result is visible below. The upper picture shows the colonel's first two pulls and the lower one captures the essence after a cleaning wash - a dozen surprisingly strong radishes ("ouch, it really stings")!
Sergeant Slanggurka,
Överste Brytböna
20 juni 2008
Vaktfågel (Guardian bird)
Nykomlingar! (Newbies!)
Vi har länge undrat varför inte bifftomaten på balkongen inte fått några kompisar. Nu har det dock hänt! Inte en, inte två, inte tre utan fyrlingar! Fantastiskt!
We have wondered why the beef tomato on the balcony hasn't been accompanied by any (to)mates. Well, all that is about to change! Not one, not two, not three, but quadruplets! Fantastic!
We have wondered why the beef tomato on the balcony hasn't been accompanied by any (to)mates. Well, all that is about to change! Not one, not two, not three, but quadruplets! Fantastic!
18 juni 2008
Gurkpest? (Cucumber succumber?)
Någonting otrevligt har hänt med tre av de gurkplantor som står ute i fältet och läget är oroande för de resterande. Kan det vara en svamp eller något annat otrevligt? Vi har ingen aning, men det förklarar ju varför de betett sig så konstigt. Nu är de i princip döende, precis som den exilplanterade gurkan som Korpral Jordgubb skött om. Bild inom kort.
Something nasty has struck three of the cucumber plants out in the field and the situation for the remaining one is worrying. Could it be a fungus of some sort or an even worse plague? We have no idea, but it explains the previously seen "erratic" behaviour. They are, to be frank, dying in the same sense the plant-in-exile planted by Corporal Strawberry. Picture will be published here shortly.
Something nasty has struck three of the cucumber plants out in the field and the situation for the remaining one is worrying. Could it be a fungus of some sort or an even worse plague? We have no idea, but it explains the previously seen "erratic" behaviour. They are, to be frank, dying in the same sense the plant-in-exile planted by Corporal Strawberry. Picture will be published here shortly.
Korpral Jordgubb,
17 juni 2008
Tid efter timjan (Time after thyme)
Med alldeles för mycket timjan hemma var vi tvungna att hitta på något. Den skörd som vi tog idag med visade sig snarare vara två eller till och med tre skördar (två noteras i skördstatistiken)! Så efter potatis à la Jamie med timjan, mortlades resterande delar med en rätt stor mängd vanligt salt. Resultatet blev inte oväntat timjanssalt, men vilken härlig doft och smak! Efter mortlingen och silningen återstod dock en hel del som lades in i olivolja och därigenom skapades timjansolja - wow! Det kommer bilder på båda dessa tillbehör inom kort.
With way too much thyme on our hands, we had do to something. The harvest we took today, turned out to be two or even three harvests (recorded as two in the harvest statistics)! So after potatoes à la Jamie with thyme, the remaining part of the thyme wasa mortared with a fairly large part of ordinary salt. The result was the expected thyme salt, but what a lovely scent and taste! After the mortar massacre and the following sieve session, the left-over thyme was placed in olive oil, creating thyme oil - wow! There will be pictures of both of these condiments soon enough. By the way, what's the name of the condiment made from mustard seeds?
With way too much thyme on our hands, we had do to something. The harvest we took today, turned out to be two or even three harvests (recorded as two in the harvest statistics)! So after potatoes à la Jamie with thyme, the remaining part of the thyme wasa mortared with a fairly large part of ordinary salt. The result was the expected thyme salt, but what a lovely scent and taste! After the mortar massacre and the following sieve session, the left-over thyme was placed in olive oil, creating thyme oil - wow! There will be pictures of both of these condiments soon enough. By the way, what's the name of the condiment made from mustard seeds?
Jamie Oliver,
15 juni 2008
Rädisor vill ha det snyggt!
Radishes like it pretty!
Idag var det picknick och städdag på kolonilotten. Det fina vädret firades med en smaskig lunch i det gröna. Sedan rensades det, främst bland rädisorna. Oj vad det hade växt mycket ogräs! Rädisorna kunde knappt andas. Men nu fick de lite plats för att växa i och så blev det snyggt!
Today was a picnic and clean-up day on the field. The lovely weather was celebrated with a tasty lunch out in the green. After that it was time to clean up, especially around the radishes. There was so many weeds that the radishes couldn't breath. But they got some room to grow and it became a lot prettier!
Today was a picnic and clean-up day on the field. The lovely weather was celebrated with a tasty lunch out in the green. After that it was time to clean up, especially around the radishes. There was so many weeds that the radishes couldn't breath. But they got some room to grow and it became a lot prettier!
14 juni 2008
41 sniglar och en zucchini.
41 snails and a zucchini.
Dagens skörd blev ... ja, det står ju i titeln, 41 sniglar! Och en zucchini! Efter det blöta vädret de senaste dagarna har alla sniglar gett sig ut på koloniområdet för att käka fräscha grönsaksblad. Det blev kastade tillbaka till skogen var de kom ifrån medan vi var glada att ta hem med oss en mycket fin zucchini.
Today's harvest was ... well, it's in the title, 41 snails! And one zucchini! After all the wet weather during the last few days all the snails have come out onto the garden area to nibble on fresh vegetable leaves. They were thrown back into the forest where they came from while we were happy to take home with us a very nice zucchini.
Today's harvest was ... well, it's in the title, 41 snails! And one zucchini! After all the wet weather during the last few days all the snails have come out onto the garden area to nibble on fresh vegetable leaves. They were thrown back into the forest where they came from while we were happy to take home with us a very nice zucchini.
13 juni 2008
Grönsakslandet är inte bara ett ställe man kan koppla av eller träna ryggen, utan också en inspirationskälla ... till matlagningen. Idag var vi ute en sväng på lotten och tittade med förälskade ögon på timjanen som blommade för fullt med lila blommor. Doften inspirerade att tänka på italienskt och när vi kom hem blev det två maträtter a la Jamie Oliver, nämligen rostad potatis med timjan och vitlök samt italienska bönor fagioli all'italiana. Vi berättar senare hur det smakade.
The green patch is not just a place one can relax or train one's back muscles, it is also a source of inspiration... when it comes to cooking. Today we took a little tour of the place and looked with loving eyes at the thyme which was blooming with small purple flowers. It's aroma inspired us to think Italian and when we got home we prepared two dishes a la Jamie Oliver, roasted potatoes with thyme and garlic and Italian bean stew fagioli all'italiana. We'll tell you later how it tasted.
The green patch is not just a place one can relax or train one's back muscles, it is also a source of inspiration... when it comes to cooking. Today we took a little tour of the place and looked with loving eyes at the thyme which was blooming with small purple flowers. It's aroma inspired us to think Italian and when we got home we prepared two dishes a la Jamie Oliver, roasted potatoes with thyme and garlic and Italian bean stew fagioli all'italiana. We'll tell you later how it tasted.
Ytterligare skörd (Additional harvest)
Vi upptäckte lite ohyra på våra balkongärtor, så innan vi behandlar dem med såpvatten skördade vi de som växt ut. Vi har nu tagit in inte mindre än 30 ärtskidor!
We discovered some insects (or insectoids, at least) on our balcony peas, so before we treat them with some soapy water, it was time for harvest again. We have now picked no less than 30 pea pods!
We discovered some insects (or insectoids, at least) on our balcony peas, so before we treat them with some soapy water, it was time for harvest again. We have now picked no less than 30 pea pods!
12 juni 2008
Närbilder (Close-ups)
Det växer på många olika håll och kanter - här är några inzoomade bilder på skönheterna! Tomaten och ärtan återfinns på balkongen, medan zucchinin och pepparfrukten är ute på lotten. I bakgrunden på pepparbilden rensar Kapten Sockerärta i bönlandet.
It grows almost everywhere now - here are a few zoomed versions of the beautiful veggies. The tomato and the pea pod are on the balcony, while the squash and the pepper are out in the field. In the background of the pepper photo, the Captain is weeding the bean field.
It grows almost everywhere now - here are a few zoomed versions of the beautiful veggies. The tomato and the pea pod are on the balcony, while the squash and the pepper are out in the field. In the background of the pepper photo, the Captain is weeding the bean field.
Kapten Sockerärta,
Nya tillskott. New additions
Att leka i jorden, dvs blanda sand i leran, har givit fina resultat. Efter regnet har några bönor kommit upp nära ärtorna. Och medan vi gapade efter alla saker som har växt runt oss har vi glömt krusbären! Titta, de är ju snart färdiga!
Playing in the dirt, that is mixing sand in the clay, gave nice results. After the rain some beans have sprouted next to the peas. And in the excitement of watching things grow we've completely forgotten the gooseberries! Look, they are almost done!
Playing in the dirt, that is mixing sand in the clay, gave nice results. After the rain some beans have sprouted next to the peas. And in the excitement of watching things grow we've completely forgotten the gooseberries! Look, they are almost done!
11 juni 2008
Översten på jobbet. The colonel at work.
Solen har tagit semester idag. Regnet har tagit över. Vi är dock glada. För det första tar vi en liten semesterdag från kolonilotten och för det andra får marken lite efterlängtat vatten. Det har ju varit så torrt de senaste veckorna att vi var tvungna att vattna två gånger om dagen. Trots det finns det bilder att visa, den här till exempel från en av de soligare dagarna då Överste Bryböna rensade ogräss för att lotten ska se finfin ut!
The sun is on vacation today. The rain has taken over. We are however pretty happy. On one hand we get a little vacation day from our colony and on the other, the soil is getting the much needed refill of water. It has been very dry the past few weeks, so dry that we've had to water the plants twice a day. Nevertheless, there are pictures to be shown, this one for example where colonel Mustard is weeding the grass so that the patch looks nice!
The sun is on vacation today. The rain has taken over. We are however pretty happy. On one hand we get a little vacation day from our colony and on the other, the soil is getting the much needed refill of water. It has been very dry the past few weeks, so dry that we've had to water the plants twice a day. Nevertheless, there are pictures to be shown, this one for example where colonel Mustard is weeding the grass so that the patch looks nice!
10 juni 2008
Första skörden! First harvest!
Idag beslutade vi att plocka in den första zucchinin, eftersom den verkar ha slutat växa. Det kommer säkert flera inom kort, men denna har gjort sitt. Väl hemma plockade vi även in dryga dussinet ärtskidor som växt på balkongen. Den första riktiga skörden är därmed "bärgad" och kommer att avnjutas under dagen.
Today, we decided to pick the first squash since it had stopped growing. There will be more within a few days, but this one has done it's job. Once we arrived home, we also picked roughly a dozen pea pods that have been growing on the balcony. The first harvest is thus collected and will be eaten during the day.
Today, we decided to pick the first squash since it had stopped growing. There will be more within a few days, but this one has done it's job. Once we arrived home, we also picked roughly a dozen pea pods that have been growing on the balcony. The first harvest is thus collected and will be eaten during the day.
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