Nu, ett par timmar senare, har vi röjt undan alla gamla ärtstänger och plockat de av sista ärtorna. Som höjdjämförelse ser vi översten själv, strax innan växtdelarna fick en sista tur till komposthögen. Det visade sig att 1,4 kg(!) ärtor gömde sig under de döende bladen. Efter rensning blev det ett halvt kilo ärtor som nu ligger i frysen och en hög med ärtskidor som fick vara basen i ett stort soppkok.
Now, a few hours later, we have removed all the old pea plants and picked the last of the peas. As height comparison we see the colonel herself, just before the pea remains are brought to the compost. It would later turn out that there were more than 3 lb(!) of peas hiding under the dying leaves. De-pea-ing the lot resulted in roughly a pound of peas now lying in the freezer, and a lot of pea pods which were used to make a vegetable soup stock.
29 juli 2008
Gröna gula tomater (Green yellow tomatoes)
De gula körsbärstomater vi flyttade ut till lotten slåss med de på balkongen om vilken planta som först skall ge färdig frukt ... förlåt, grönsak! Just nu är det dött lopp och både ser ut som denna lottversion.
The yellow cherry tomatoes we moved out to the patch are competing with the ones on the balkony being the first plant to deliver fruit ... I mean, vegetables! Right now, they are running a dead heat where all of them are looking like the above patch one.
The yellow cherry tomatoes we moved out to the patch are competing with the ones on the balkony being the first plant to deliver fruit ... I mean, vegetables! Right now, they are running a dead heat where all of them are looking like the above patch one.
Såhär såg lotten ut idag - det växer så det knakar på alla håll och kanter! Ärtorna verkar ha gjort sitt och vi tar ner dem om några minuter, men i övrigt är produktionen i full gång. Härligt!
This is what the patch looks like today - everything grows like crazy! The peas seem to be wilting so they will be removed in the next couple of minutes, but other than that the production is magnificent! Lovely!
This is what the patch looks like today - everything grows like crazy! The peas seem to be wilting so they will be removed in the next couple of minutes, but other than that the production is magnificent! Lovely!
23 juli 2008
Gurkpar (Gherkin pair)
22 juli 2008
Ytterligare skörd (Additional harvest)
Idag gick vi åter och "handlade". Det blev sammanlagt över ett och halvt kilo bär och grönsaker, där såväl selleri och ärtor som chili och krusbär. Bilder kommer så småningom.
Today we went "shopping" again. Over three pounds in berries and veggies, including a hot chili! Pictures will be posted shortly.
Today we went "shopping" again. Over three pounds in berries and veggies, including a hot chili! Pictures will be posted shortly.
Kapten Sockerärta,
Sergeant Slanggurka,
20 juli 2008
Titta vad de växer! Look how they grow!
19 juli 2008
Borta bra, men hemma bäst! There's no place like home!
Det är alldeles underbart att ha semester, men det är minst lika kul att komma hem. Speciellt då man möts av massor med bär och grönsaker som väntar på att plockas och ätas!
It's absolutely wonderful to be on vacation, but it's just as fun coming home. Especially when one is met by lots of berries and vegetables that are waiting to be picked and eaten!
It's absolutely wonderful to be on vacation, but it's just as fun coming home. Especially when one is met by lots of berries and vegetables that are waiting to be picked and eaten!
12 juli 2008
Inspirerande minizucchini Inspiring minizucchini
En av favoritplatserna på semestern var marknaden som var full av många fantastiska frukter och grönsaker. Vilka former! Vilka färger! Man kunde knappast passera förbi utan att inspireras!
One of the favorite places we visited during our vacation was the local market filled with all kinds of splendid fruits and vegetables. The shape and color is truly inspiring, don't you think?
One of the favorite places we visited during our vacation was the local market filled with all kinds of splendid fruits and vegetables. The shape and color is truly inspiring, don't you think?
05 juli 2008
Underbärt med semester! Vacation is berry fantastic!
Är man på semester så är man på semester, eller hur? Nej, alla dessa underbara bär kommer inte från kolonilotten. Ett önskemål till nästa årets skörd kanske...
If one's on vacation, one's on vacation, right? No, all those wonderful berries don't grow on our patch. A wish for next year's harvest perhaps...
If one's on vacation, one's on vacation, right? No, all those wonderful berries don't grow on our patch. A wish for next year's harvest perhaps...
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